Introduced in 2014, the Applecross Inn Side Out (AISO) was introduced as an alternative dining experience and overflow for our small but popular Inn.
This retro-inspired food truck provides a complimentary take away option for locals and visitors. It creates quite an impact as you drive into Shore Street from the North!
Please feel free to use our outdoor dining tables to eat your meals from the Inn-Side-Out , some tables are under cover but sadly impossible to heat, so wrap up warm.
The menu range is simple but inspired by our customers. You can enjoy the Inn’s famous fish and chips, local made sausage rolls and pasties , prawn and crab salads (as available), Aron’s award winning ‘Applecross Ices’, freshly ground Coffee, home baked tray bakes and chilled soft drinks.
Our take away items are served in delightful eco-friendly ‘Vegware’ containers which are fully compostable.
AISO is open from Spring to Autumn (weather permitting) morning till late. Situated opposite the Inn on the shore side of the street it provides lovely views out over the Inner Sound.
Please come and enjoy the Inn on the other side!